Saturday, July 26, 2008


After five months of job seeking and many interviews, the wait is over. During the process, I learned a lot about myself and what I wanted in a future employer. In the end, I think that the employer that offered me a position is a good fit. My patience finally paid off.

When I interviewed, I had a welcoming feeling when I walked into the office. The owner of the company appeared to be very honest and yet very approachable. She asked a lot of the usual interview questions, but then threw in a couple that caught me off guard and made me really think on my feet. When I was given the opportunity, I asked a couple simple questions but then I wanted to know where she hoped to see the company in two years. She admitted that I caught her off guard. (I was worried I totally messed up.)

My first day is August 4th. I am super excited about learning all about L&I claims and reporting. So not only will this job allow me to use my current skills, but it will challenge me to learn new things from the beginning.

The girls just wanna know if this means we can get a pool. :-)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


This morning I had an interview. Now I get to wait. For those of you that know me, I don't like waiting. I am hoping to have an answer by Monday. She said there could be a decision by tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping for sooner than later. Then again, if the answer is no and I hear about it before the weekend, I might have a terrible weekend.

No, that won't be the case because Demaris comes home from camp tomorrow! I can't wait to give that little girl a big hug and hear all about her first camp experience. Her sisters, on the other hand, are not as excited for her return. For some reason they think she is loud and annoying. I, personally, have missed her laughter and her squeaky voice.


Monday, July 21, 2008


Here are the two newest family members:

Delilah Grace Climer (she is not graceful so that is why she has a middle name... we are hoping it will help her out).

Tudball George Climer (the girls said he needs a middle name too and since he is so curious, we thought George was fitting).

I went upstairs recently to check on some quiet girls and found them playing a game. Tudball was sitting on the table and it totally looked like he was supervising them. It was too cute!!!

First Mow

July 10th was an exciting day for Ken! The first mow of our new grass. Aynslee and Carissa wanted to learn how to mow so there was a lesson prior to the actual mow. In the end, Carissa did not have the strength to push the mower up the slight incline but Aynslee rocked it out.

Badger Mtn Fire

A fire broke out on in East Wenatchee on Badger Mountain on July 8th. We were able to see it from our back porch and captured a few pictures. We zoomed the camera in quite a bit, so don't panic and think the fire was as close as it appears.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Going to Camp

Tomorrow afternoon, Demaris leaves for a week to attend church camp for the first time. I am super excited for her and can't wait to hear her stories when she returns. I am strangely worried because she will be three hours from home and this is the first time she has been away from family for a long time. I know she will do fine. I am just having a "mom moment".

Her sisters, on the other hand, can hardly wait for her to be gone.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Update on stuff

Well, I know there has been another lapse in blogging. I wish I had a really good reason. It is just that I don't have too much going on to report.

The job hunt continues. I have had many interviews, but always get the dreaded 'thin letter of rejection'. It is hard to not take it personal sometimes. I know the right job will come along and I just have to be patient.

The girls are enjoying summer break. Carissa's break officially started July 4th due to a culinary arts class she was taking. The last day of class, she cut her finger. She called to say she needed me to come get her because she "kinda cut herself". The "kinda" meant she cut off a thin section of her skin. A trip to the emergency department and two stitches later, she is doing great.

Our two new kittens, Delilah and Tudball, are having minor surgery today. They are being spayed and neutered. Sherbie, the big cat, seems to be enjoying having "his" house again. He will have a rude awakening tomorrow morning when they return.

I will be posting a few pictures after I download them off the camera.

Oh, today is an exciting day! We got to do the first mow on the grass. It is still patchy and will be having areas re-seeded this weekend by the hydroseed guy, but it looks great. Aynslee was super excited to get a mowing lesson. Carissa isn't strong enough to push it up the small incline, but she tried.

Well, have a great day. I am going to enjoy the beautiful sunny day here in Wenatchee.
