Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I am missing my grandparents today. I found a box of old pictures that were in their house and it has caused a lot of memories to flood my mind. I am lucky to have had such an incredible relationship with both my grandparents.

This picture was taken at their annual anniversary dinner in either 2003 or 2004.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I love free things. Recently, Glidden paint was offering a free quart of paint (sorry, it expired on 7-2-09). You could go their website and choose a color and they would ship it to you... all for free!!! Since I have walls that need paint, I accepted the offer. My paint arrived today and I am SO excited to see it on the walls to decide exactly where it will go and/or if I need more. I really liked the sample on their website, but I know once I get it on the wall, the lighting in the room may change my decision. I am hopeful that it will work.

I choose Olivewood (top right section on the color palette, then left side of the sample board that comes up).

Monday, July 6, 2009


I am worried about a dear friend of mine. We have known each other a long time... I first met her when I was a junior in high school and she was a senior. We had the joy of working together at the court for seven years and that is where our friendship blossomed. Our friendship has lasted over 20 years... we have enough 'dirt' on each other, we have to stay friends forever. :-) I recently heard a quote that is so perfect for us: "Our friendship is a little like the Mafia... we have far too much information for either of us to ever get out!"

I cannot imagine my life without Tracy. She is the first person I call when I have exciting news and/or when I need a mental check. She tells me the truth, even when I don't want to hear it. But, deep down, I need that truth. Tracy understands my mixed up/crazy family and she helps me to sort through the mess and chaos and remind me that my job is to protect my heart and do what is best for me and my family. On the days when that task seems unbearable, she is there to lend an ear or give me words to get through it. Tracy is my sister from another mother.
Anyway, Tracy has become a bit of a medical mystery. There is something serious going on with her liver and, quite honestly, it scares me. I know I should not be anxious or scared, but when it comes to someone that I consider a sister, it is often difficult.

I am just having 'a moment' today... feeling very homesick and anxious. I know God has a Plan and He is control of all this, but I am only human and I want to try and control this. Tracy reminds me all the time that I cannot control everything (but I try).

So, I am giving this 100% to the One that can and will control this. God, comfort my sister and provide wisdom for the doctors. I trust You will bring Glory in all this.