Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New job status

I started my new job on Monday. Tuesday the office (four of us, plus Cory's mom and the extra helper) went to lunch to celebrate me joining the team and also surprised the boss with an early celebration of her birthday (her birthday is Saturday).

Today was the first day that I really did what is in my job description: transcribing dictation. The boss, Cory, started me off on a couple easy reports. I am excited to learn their three voices and cadences and eventually get to the "meatier" reports. They have someone coming in to help in the afternoons a couple times a week until I am up to speed.

My boss is a sports fan. The office went to the Mariner's game on Monday afternoon, and still made it to work Tuesday morning. Cory was kind enough to tell me so I wouldn't think they intentionally left me out, but the tickets were purchased awhile ago.

I am super excited about the new things I will get to learn. I have never worked with Lotus -- and have been told my friends that I am not missing much. I am also eager to learn all about the various reports for the state.

I really think this job is a good fit for me. Can't beat the six minute commute -- it is awesome!


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