Friday, April 3, 2009

Surgery Update

Surgery did not happen after all. While we are disappointed, the most important thing is that Aynslee is safe and okay and that is what matters.

Aynslee was extremely nervous so they decided to give her a general, rather than the conscious sedation. The anesthesiologist nurse felt like it would be better in case something went wrong. They wheeled her back to surgery at 7:44am and came out about 45 minutes later. I asked Dr. Woodman how it went and he said she puked after she went to sleep so they didn't do it, the risk did not outweigh the benefit. They had to wake her up and make sure she was okay and didn't aspirate on the puke. As a precaution, to make sure her lungs were clear, they had a chest x-ray. The x-ray came back clear. We hung out for a bit to make sure her vitals remained where they needed to and then they let us go home. Surgery will be rescheduled and we will do it at Mary Bridge since they are prepared for kids.. and we didn't have problems the first surgery. They gave her a medication that gives her amnesia, she did not realize completely that she did not have surgery until almost two hours after the whole ordeal began.

We were blessed with an incredible team of nurses and a wonderful doctor. Dr. Woodman was scheduled to leave on vacation last night, but he called us twice before he left to make sure Aynslee was doing okay since she had a low-grade fever at one point.

Surgery will be rescheduled at some point. As I said above, we are just glad that Aynslee is safe and healthy.

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